First of all, please take a moment to read about the formation of this business, and it's history.
There is a slice of small-town automotive Legacy here, and you might find it interesting!

In 1984, the Staff consisted of Byron Lantz, Kelly Dicker, Jim Curtin, Tim Pickler, and (not pictured) Wayne Ralston.
In Early 1985, the Staff consisted of: Steve Caldwell, Wayne Ralston, Ephrian Jordan, Eileen McGarvey, and Kelly Dicker.
Late '85, and we have Kevin Myers, Bonnie Logue, Jim Curtin, Byron Lantz, Eileen McGarvey, and Kelly.
1986. KD, Rob Keihl, Wayne Ralston, Eileen, Bonnie, and Kevin Myers.
Jumping to 1991, we have Eli Caul, Web Berger, KD, Ray Wasson, Laurie Reynolds, Ray Collins, Mike Yokoi, Scott Leffler, and Ron Riley.

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